Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18, 2008 - 8:30 am

Today was the day for the second powdered sugar dusting, one more week to go!

Looked around the hive for ants and other things and didn't notice any. I looked for the small hive beetle but did not see any kind of beetles around the hive.

I setup a camcorder to record what happens when I put the powdered sugar all over the hive. I recorded about ten minutes of footage which I will convert to a web friendly format and post.

I opened up the hive and found that 8 out of 9 frames are in use by the bees.

I found the queen and she seems to be doing okay.

On the middle four frames there were about 90% capped brood.

On a couple of the frames I noticed what I think(and hope) are drone cells. They were much larger than the worker cells. They didn't resemble queen cells that I have seen in other hives.

I would like to have photographed them but I didn't have any place to hang the frames. The frame hanger that I made already had three frames in it. So I am going to have to make another or make one that sits above the chamber.

Today I removed the entrance reducer. There seem to be so many more bees. I am hoping that it was not a mistake to remove that piece even though I "dusted" the bees.

When I put down the sugar the bees once again went down into the hive then right out the entrance

Heres a few photos...

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