Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1, 2008 - 1 pm

Checked the feeder jar - it was just under half - replaced with a full jar. Looks like the bees are consuming more syrup.

Also noticed that the ants are back! And there are alot of them. The bottom board with the water troughs that is now in use isn't slowing down the ants much. They seem to be exploiting some areas in the legs/troughs and they are getting into the hive. Tomorrow I will mix a batch of pesticide and put it down with a watering can. I will probably have to do this once a week.

While I was looking around and under the hive for ants and other bugs, I noticed that there were quite a few wax scales. I guess the bees can get a little sloppy sometimes and drop the wax scales. I should have taken a picture or two.

Well here are some photos of the front of the hive...

Here are a few photos of a frame holder I made last night. Its made out of scraps of aluminum and mild steel.

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