Thursday, May 5, 2011

5 May, 4:14pm - 2011

It was 78º at the Back Yard Bees. Clear skies and no wind. The bees are busy cleaning up a honey super I extracted honey from last week. Soon it should be cleaned up and then I can store it.

Epsilon Hive
This hive has two honey supers. Top honey super is not being used by the bees. Bottom honey super has 6 frames of drawn capped honey and four that are in various stages of drawn comb with curing nectar. I did not do a hive inspection today.

Zeta Hive
The bees are busy drawing comb on frames 3,4 and 5. Frame 4 was the frame that had all of the queen cells. Now there is only one left and its still capped. This could be good or bad. I'll give it a week and see what I find. I may end up combing this hive with Eta Hive. I replaced the feeder jar today.

Eta Hive
The bees are comb building on frames 3,4 and 5. I found eggs/larva and capped brood on frames 1,2 and 3. I expected to see more drawn comb by now. I replaced the feeder jar.

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