Sunday, May 29, 2011

29 May, 12 pm - 2011

It was about 88º, clear skies and no breeze at the Bee Yard.

Alpha Hive
Opened it up and inspected all frames. Found eggs and larva on frames 8 and 7. The cells that have eggs have 1 to 2 eggs! The larva are in cells that are being drawn out as drone cells. I did not find the queen. Looks like there is a laying worker.

Beta Hive
The top super was ready for harvest so I removed it. The bottom super is about 70% done, hopefully it will be ready next week. Now the top super is the one that is almost complete and the bottom super is the new one to replace what I removed.

It was 95º at the Back Yard Bees

Epsilon Hive
Bottom honey super is about 90% capped on all frames!. I will harvest this one next week when I harvest one super from the Beta Hive, weather permitting.

Top honey super has some curing nectar spread throughout the ten frames but not enough to harvest for some time.

I did not inspect the hive bodies today.

Zeta Hive
Looks like there is a queen in there! I found eggs throughout frames 2,3,4! I did not find any cells with multiple eggs. The hive cluster covers frames 1 through 5.

Eta Hive
The queen has been busy laying eggs. Frame four has eggs all over southern side. Frame three has capped brood, larva and eggs. The hive cluster covers frames one through four.


Honey Harvest from Beta Hive
10 quarts.

After extracting the honey from the frames I put the frames near the Back Yard bees in hopes of them cleaning it up.

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