Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 June, 1:30 pm - 2011

It was 97º at the Bee Yard in the country, no wind and partly cloudy.

Alpha Hive - There were about 2-3 frames of bees and brood last week. This week there are no bees or brood. I disassembled the hive and brought it home. I'll freeze the frames that appear to have wax moth or other pests.

Beta Hive - Opened up the hive and checked the top honey super. There are a few hundred bees scattered throughout the frames. The bottom honey super is being heavily worked by the bees. About 85% of the frames are filled and capped. The honey super might be ready for harvest next weekend.

I didn't have a chance to check on the bees in the Back Yard.

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