Sunday, April 17, 2011

17 APR, 1:50 pm - 2011

It was 70º and breezy at the backyard bees.

The first swarm hive

The girls have created 6 queen cells and they are capped! The cells are on frame 4 in the middle of the frame. It looks like this hive had eggs I didn't find during the last inspection. After finding that I put everything back together and will leave it alone till next week some time.
I also gave the hive a fresh jar of 1:1 sugar/water.

The backyard bees(the first hive I put in the back yard)

I found eggs!!! and I found the queen. I found her on frame 5 and eggs on frames 4 and 6. I also found a frame that had a swarm cell with an egg in it!!!!

So I put everything back together and will wait and see what happens, because I don't have any more hive equipement ready to make a split!!!!

The second swarm
I will not inspect this hive till next weekend but I looked around the hive for ants and pests - so far none found. Also there is alot of activity going on at the entrance. I hope they stick around. I put a full jar of sugar/water on today.

2:30 pm

Country Bees

Alpha Hive
I opened up the hive and found that the queen's laying pattern is very sporadic. I found very few eggs. All the bees in the hive at the time I checked only covered 3 frames. I took three frames from the Beta hive that had eggs/larva/brood and some nurse bees and added them to this hive. Hope this will help. Buttoned up the hive after the additions.

Beta Hive
This hive has three deeps and two honey supers.

This hive has a lot of entrance activity. When I first arrived at the hive I thought the bees were in the process of swarming. Seems like its just their normal activity. This hive does have three deeps, so thats probably the reason.

I opened up the top honey super and found that all frames have curing honey and 3/4 of the frames are capped! Maybe in a week they will finish it up.

I put that top honey super aside and looked through the second honey super. That super is also like the first one. I put this one aside and started looking through the top hive body. On the second frame I removed(frame 8) I found the queen. I was as carefull as I could be and put it back. Frame 10 was all capped honey, frame 9 was all covered in capped brood and 8 had one side all capped brood with the other partially open cells and eggs/larva and capped brood.

I took frames 2,3,4 from this hive and put it in the Alpha Hive, I put in empty drawn comb, then put everything back together.

I also added a third honey super to this hive.

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