Saturday, July 31, 2010

30 July, 2010 - 10:30 am

It was 95º at the Bee Yard, clear skies and light winds.

Swarm Hive
The bees are busy storing nectar in the honey super. They have stopped drawing comb on frames 10 and 1 but they cover frames 2 thru 9. Frames 5 and 6 are 1/3 capped, so it look like they are capping frames!

I looked at frames 1 thru 4 of the top hive body. Frame 1 is honey and pollen only. Frame 2 has some eggs/larva but its most of the cells have food. Frames 3 and 4 have eggs, larva and capped cells, most of these frames are brood frames, not much honey except at upper edges of frame. I stopped at frame 4 because I found so many eggs.

Beta Hive
The bees are not doing much in the honey super. There are not many bees in the super. When I removed the honey super a moth flew out of the hive body. Looked through all frames of the top hive body. Frame 1 had extensive wax moth damage, and there were bees all over it cleaning it and cutting out the damage. I went ahead and removed and replaced it. There were no other damaged, infested frames in the top hive body. Although I did not see a queen I did see eggs on 3 frames. The bottom hive body also had extensive wax moth damage on frame 1 and that was removed and replaced. I looked through all frames on the bottom hive and did not find any other pest damage. I saw some eggs scattered throughout the frames but not as much as I thought I should. There are also a lot less bees in the hive compared to what I noticed in the last inspection.

Alpha hive
The bottom honey super was ready to remove! The top honey super has some bees and the bees aren't storing food in that one. I did not inspect the bees I only removed the honey super

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