Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6 April, 2010 - 9:30am

It was about 75º, clear skies and no breeze.

Swarm Hive
The feeder jar has just over a cup of sugar water left.  That jar has been on there for two days now.  Seems the girls have found a better food source.  I am still treating the swarm hive as if its a package installation.  The bees cover 5 frames.  The hive frames are currently checkerboarded, and the bees are busy drawing comb on the foundation frames and busy repairing cleaning up the frames with comb.  So far I have not found a queen, eggs or larva.  The bees hive a very mild temperament as if there is a queen in the hive.  Every frame they occupy and are working on is filled with sugar/water, nectar and pollen.

Alpha & Beta Hives

I only observed the bees to check what food types they are bringing in, and I saw a lot of pollen inbound.  The bees are very busy coming and going and none of them bothered with me.

Here are some photos of the Swarm hive;

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