Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31, 2009 - 1:00 pm

Clear skies and no breeze, temps were in the 90s.

Alpha Hive

I only opened the top honey super. They have 7 out of 10 frames with drawn comb and are in the process of capping all of it. Three frames are untouched. These frames happen to be on the north side of the hive. So my Dad and I mixed those untouched frames with drawn frames to see what they do.

I have been reluctant to get into the hive supers of this hive since it seems to be doing so well. I will leave them alone and just put another honey super on as soon as I can.

Slo-Mo movie of the Alpha hive

Beta Hive

I looked in the honey super and they still are not moving up into it to store food. I removed it and looked through the top hive super. Six frames have both sides of capped honey!!! So they have been storing food in this top hive body instead of in the honey super. I did see eggs in two of the frames in the top hive body. The eggs were positioned right down in the bottom middle of the cell, so it looks like its a queen doing that. I did not find the queen only those eggs, and capped brood in the bottom hive body.

This is a frame from the top hive body of the Beta Hive. This is what the six frames that are capped looked like.

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