Monday, April 13, 2009

April 12, 2009 - 3pm

This Sunday I thought I would check the progress of the girls.

It was 78º and there was a light breeze, no clouds.

Alpha Hive

The outside activity of the hive looked okay, bees coming and going, very few milling about in front on the landing board. I still have an entrance reducer in place and using the largest opening for access.

Opened up the hive. Since this hive has a honey super I looked through it for signs of honey storage. I didn't find any bees in this super. They just aren't going into the super. They are busy in the top brood super. There are eggs, larva and many more capped cells. I think next week end I will swap the brood supers. I will still keep the honey super on but I will remove the queen excluder and see if that is what is keeping the bees out. I did not see any signs of hive beetles or wax moth or any other pests.

Alpha Hive Photos

This photo has the Queen in it...she is almost in the middle of the photo

Beta Hive

The outside of the hive was very busy. There were so many bees they were "flowing" over each other to get in and out of the entrance. The entrance reducer is still in place with the smallest opening.

Inside the hive the bees were busy drawing comb. They were clinging together in such numbers. At this time they are working on six frames and five of them are drawn comb. The queen has been laying eggs in these frames. I also found that they are storing pollen and nectar in these frames as well. Next weekend, weather permitting I will add a honey super. I am considering swapping the brood supers. I didn't see any signs of hive beetles or wax moth.

Beta Hive Photos

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