Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 March, 2009 - 4pm

Went out to the bee yard to make preparations to the Alpha hive for a new queen. I arranged empty drawn frames in the middle of the hive and frames with pollen and food on each side of the empty drawn frames.

While going through those frames I was just looking over two frames that were just packed with bees. On one of those frames I found an unmarked queen. She was milling around like the other bees. I watched her for at least 30 seconds, shocked that I had found a queen. During that time she was not in a hurry to hide and seemed to moving along just fine. I didn't see her laying any eggs. I carefully put that frame back in the box and then spaced the other frames and carefully put the lid back on.


Since there is a honey super on the Alpha hive and none of the frames have drawn comb I put a full jar of 1:1 sugar water in the feeder slot.

I also put a full jar of 1:1 sugar water on the Beta hive.

Soon I need to "fog" both hives to deal with mites.

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