Monday, August 4, 2008

August 3, 2008 - 11 am

I went on site to see how the bees were doing with the honey super. I opened up the honey super and found that the bees were not drawing any comb on the frames. But there were a lot of bees on the inside of the top cover and a lot of bees on the excluder. As I was going through the honey super frames I found what looked like a very small hive beetle. So I decided to look a little closer at the top brood super.

I noticed that there is a lot more honey storage happening in the brood supers. So maybe the bees will start working on the honey super.

While looking through the top super I didn't find any more hive beetles. I didn't see any other pests either. I did find the queen!

She seems to be spending a lot of time in the upper brood super. I need to look into when/if I should swap the brood supers to get the queen to work the brood supers better.

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